ISO Certificate

No. 3904882
This is to certify that the
UTRtek UK Ltd
Piazza IV Novembre, 4
20124 Milan - Italy
Operational sites:
a) Via Achille Grandi, 64 - 50066 - Reggello – Loc. San Donato in Fronzano (FI) Italia;
b) Dalton House 60, Windsor Avenue, London, SW19 2RR - United Kingdom
has been assessed and found to be in compliance with the standard
ISO 21001:2018
applicable to
Service provision of training for achieving the qualifications for diving and
relevant services in compliance with the standards:
- ISO 11107 Enriched Air Nitrox - UTRtek Nitrox Diver
- ISO 11121 Introductory Scuba Experience - UTRtek Passport Scuba Diver
- ISO 24801-1 Supervised Diver - UTRtek Open Water Scuba Diver
- ISO 24801-2 Autonomus Diver - UTRtek Advanced Scuba Diver
- ISO 24801-3 Dive Leader - UTRtek Divemaster and Scuba Guide
- ISO 24802-1 Scuba Instructor Level 1 - UTRtek Open Scuba Instructor
- ISO 24802-2 Scuba Instructor Level 2 - UTRtek Advanced Rec Instructor
- ISO 24803 Requirements for recreational Scuba Diving Service providers
The certificate has been issued under No. 392080 for the registration period from 23 November 2020 to 22 November 2025.