UTRtek UK Ltd Technical Committee
The UTRtek UK Ltd Technical Committee is a working group, formed by UTRtek technical instructors, aimed to improve the agency’s quality with their own experiences, capacity and enthusiasm.
This working group was created after a long and meticulous reflection about the instructors’ operate, the scuba evolution of the lasts years (in both Rec and Tek branches) and the strong development of the UTRtek didactic in national ambit. To the present day, UTRtek could be proud of its results.
The Technical Committee determines, with no doubts, a quality increase of the didactic, and all its instructors will enjoy a raise of prestige and an increased of professional profile. Moreover modern entrainment programs, identified as the most advanced of the Italian and European market scene, will be available.
UTRtek is a young didactic, birth in the 2001, but it follows a continuous innovation program: UTRtek do not seems like fossilized in obsoletes dives notions and techniques outdated for the actual marketing requests.
Members’ Valuation, in order to be admitted in the Technical Committee, is based on:
- Single member’s request of valuation .
- UTRtek technical Professional certification.
- Amount of work, done from the obtainment of instructor licence.
- Kind of carried out activities
- Instructor‘s incoming region
- Amount of technical dives and experience